Adventurous Journey Sign Off - Qualifying Expedition
At the completion of your Qualifying Expedition, you will need to complete your Journey Report for your Qualifying Expedition.
It is recommended that you refer to and follow the Duke of Ed template, as it provides a good framework for writing a Journey Report.
Students will then need to go into their ORB and upload their Journey Report onto their ORB account under the Document section.
They will also need to upload the Email Approval and label it "Qualifying Hike Assesor Sign Off".
- Sign into the ORB
- Set up the Supervisor details - you will need to choose either Somerset or your Award Leader.
If you wish Somerset to sign off your Qualifying Expedition in your ORB:
set up the Supervisor as: Somerset AssessorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If your Award Leader at school is to sign off your Qualifying Expedition in your ORB:
Set up the Supervisor as: Name of your Award Leader Award Leader's email address. - Send your Adventurous Journey Event Participant Assessment Request email.
Please ensure you write down the correct Level - Bronze/Silver/Gold Practice/Qualifying so we know which AJ you need signed-off eg; ‘Bronze Qualifying’. - Somerset will certify in your ORB that you have met the requirements via this email.
Click here for Journey Reports and Assessor Sign-off Instructions.